Saturday, November 11, 2006

Sorry folks

So I tried messing with my blog, and now the comments are all messed up. Funny thing about messing with stuff. Anyway, I actually set it to have the comments back with my last post, but it did not work. So let's see if this works.


Katie80 said...

If you get comments from all of the people who have requested that the comment option be restored, you may have a record for the past few months!! :)

Thanks for helping me paint today!
I love you!!

Caleb said...

Sweet! I'm glad that you finally got it working and congrats on your interviews.

Brenda Walker said...

I am happy to see that you are back with us! I wasn't sure what to do after reading your post and having nowhere to comment!

The Grandparents said...

HI, J. I am glad I am not the only one who gets their blog 'hosed up' at times. That's one reason I don't do it real often. Blogging, I mean. Your Pahrump folks are coming here for Thanksgiving. Then we' re going to Zoo lights on Friday evening. Why don't ya'll just drive out here and join us. Well, I guess that's not practical. But we do miss seeing you. Love, COG