Thursday, March 30, 2006

Tax and UoP

The good news is we received our tax return from the state of California today. The bad news, is that although during the year we will no longer see extra money every month taken out of our paychecks for the state, we won't get a little present at the end of every year. So depending how you look at it, it's a bummer and a sweet deal!
In other sad news, I started a new class last week. English. Also known as......nuts! I can't stand English. It's not fun and I'm not good at it. Yeah, yeah save all the funny jokes. I'm aware that you could find tons of typos and mistakes, I know, I could really use this class. Yet I don't really want to do it. Then again, only three and a half weeks and it's over and on to Geography of World Commerce.

OK, well the Spurs are about to start, so I'm gonna watch. It's not the Kings, but then again the Spurs are doing much better than my real home team.

Monday, March 20, 2006

My new and slightly improved blog

It feels like I change my template pretty often, but oh well. My last template was just so hard to work with, so I found one that was easier to play with. Hopefully over not too long of a span I will have cool pictures and other cool html and java junk. We'll see.

In other news, we finally got the garage cleaned out and swept and then put back in order. Although I could use a Zachary and maybe chuck and caleb to help me with some shelves and a workbench. I was measure tonight where to put the workbench and shelves, now it's just a matter of getting some help to build them.

I finish Human Nutrition tonight, and start College Writing tomorrow. Just because I am in the class though, does not mean I will apply what I learn to use in this blog. That's all I have to say about that.

And the last thing I will say or ask is for y'all to pray for God's leading in my career path. I'm really not sure what to do as far as getting out and finding a civilian job or staying in the military. I do know that praying though will eventually bring an answer to this crazy question. Thanks.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

The Professional

I'm pretty stoked. I was pretty sure that when I came here I wouldn't be able to get any of my photos published, but today I was proven wrong. Unfortunately it is really not part of my job here that I took photos of. It was mostly a few shots of one of guys in the shop doing his job. He's an illustrator, and he is the man. Really I'm just glad I get to work with him, so one day when he gets real famous I can say " I know that guy". You can check some of his stuff out here....

Anyway back to the story. So I am getting something published, which is pretty great if I ever want to get a photography job outside of the military. Not likely I will want to, but just in case.
Alright well it's not that exciting of news, but it's my news, so hey.

Monday, March 06, 2006


So bean just found in the church paper that Big Daddy Weave and Todd Agnew are going to play a concert there. Oh by the way, when I say church paper, it's not like the weekly trifold bulletin or oven flyer, no I mean actual newspaper that probably has the thickness of the NY Times A section. Stinkin crazy. Anyway, so we think we may go see them seeing how it's so close and all. Plus Big Daddy Weave is pretty good. Not as good as say Jars of Clay or Third Day, but good nonetheless.

Not much has really been happening. We cleaned house and hung some pictures finally. I mean to say the house is usually clean, so it's not "finally" that we cleaned it. But that Finally we hung some pictures. Either way it's good stuff.
Now we just have to get the garage painted and then some shelves and work table made/bought/I don't know.