Saturday, December 24, 2005

It's Christmas Eve Day!

The Bean and I are finally finished all the shopping. We had one last present for each other to get, so we did that this afternoon. Then we watched an episode of Friends Season 6, and I cut the turkey/ham, and now Bean is making the crust. We are going to Crossbridge Community Church today at 5:30 for the Christmas Eve service, and then we'll come home and have pizza and a movie.
Hopefully we can find a church to go to tomorrow, but we'll have to do some searching.

Merry Christmas everyone, and I hope your eves and Christmas will be fun and festive!

Monday, December 19, 2005

Less than a week

It is going to be a good week. Only four days of work this week two days next week. How awesome is that. I guess the military has some good deals to it. And then we get to see Paj and Maj and Belac and Lauri, and Nanny, who I haven't seem in years. Mostly it will be like meeting her all over again, but that should be sweet too.
We decorated some more last night, so now the house looks more festive. And we moved furniture so we can be ready when our new couches and dining room table get here. It should be great, especially so I don't have to sit here on the floor typing.
Well I need to finish getting ready for work, so have a nice week everyone and soon it will be Christmas.

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Christmas Info about me!

That was a good idea, so I'm stealing Marla's idea. So here's my info

Hot Chocolate or Egg Nog? I'll drink Egg Nog, but I much prefer the Hot Chocolate
Does Santa wrap the presents or just set them under the tree? There's no such thing as Santa Claws!
Colored or white lights on the tree/house? It makes no difference as long as there is lots of them. But my awesome wife likes the blue lights, so those will definitely always be around.
When do you decorate? Well this is our first year really decorating a lot, and we still aren't done, so I'd have to say all the way up until christmas. Next year will be sooner.
What is your favorite holiday dish? I really like the sweet potatoes, and pecan pie, but on the whole I just love getting together and eating a ton with family. Family is what all the memories are derived from for me.
Favorite Holiday memory as a child? I actually have some of the best memories when we finally got to spend Christmas with all the family. Ever since we were little we lived far from family, so when we got to be in CA for Christmas with Grandpa Bob and the whole crowd of Stricklands it was great!
Do you open gifts on Christmas Eve? No, but I always want to.
What kind of cookies do you set out for Santa on Christmas Eve? Well if I did, I would set out some awesome cookies from England called digestives. That would be funny.
Snow! Love it or hate it? I love it so much. I really want to come to Redding to go skiing!!!!! I miss my skis!
Can you ice skate? Yeah, but it's been years since I have.
What is the most important thing about the holidays for you? It is good to remember why we celebrate Christmas, but it is also a good time to evaluate the past year and life in general. I know that Christmas always gets me thinking about how I can live me life better and more meaningfully.
What’s your favorite holiday dessert? Oops, I already put it, but Pecan pie is the greatest. My grandma Betty makes a great pecan pie. I'm sure there's more, but for right now I'll leave it at that.
What type of tree? Real for sure. Not really sure though that I have a preference on the type. I think we have a Douglas Fir this year. And since it's our first Christmas in four Christmas's I guess I'd have to say then that Douglas Firs are the coolest.
Which do you prefer, giving or receiving? I like both. Sometimes it's great to give a gift that you know the other person really really wants and it's a surprise when you get it for them, that's a great feeling to see their face light up when they get it. But I sure do like to get presents too.
What is your favorite Christmas Carol? I'm not sure that I have a favorite, I just like them all because they bring back such good memories.
Candy Canes, YUCK or YUM? I like them. But after having too many I get tired of them. Like Crazy Uncle said, when having Camel breath, it's good to have a candy cane!

Saturday, December 10, 2005

So much to do...

So USAA, our bank and insurance people, also who we went through to find a realtor gave us a check just to use them. What a great deal. So now Katie and I are going to get a garage door opener, and some shelves for her in the closet. We already have shelves, but it seems as thought the builder made the shelves for an NBA center. I can reach them, but even I have to reach quite a bit to get my stuff up there. Anyway so I guess it's cool that really these two things are free to us, seeing as all we had to do is say " Sure we'll take a free realtor that we can trust, and then have you give us a chunk of money to do so." or something like that. Good stuff.

Even better we finally got katie's compy upgraded to TIGER so now she's as cool as me and zach and do you have it PAJ? Well you should get it if you don't. Oh wait wasn't I supposed to get that for you? Yeah nevermind.......

I'm really excited that our downstairs and to the right is all done. The kitchen and fireplace room look good. Just as long as you don't look in the garage or upstairs. It's weird, I don't know where to put everything. We hid so much junk in the closets in England that now that we had to put it into boxes, now I don't want to take the junk out. Oh the humanity!

Alright, well I'm kinda just rambling like always, so I guess I'll go.