Friday, November 17, 2006

Come on now.

So I waited yesterday, and now today, but no call. I expected at least one of the two companies to give me a call and offer me a job. So much for expectations, eh. I ended up calling Avnet only to find out that the guy I first interviewed with is on vacation. He left a phone number of a woman that works there on his voicemail, so I call it. She said he didn't mention any of the hiring stuff to her, but she said I could call HR and see if they had any info. Well, I looked through my cell phone and found the HR number. I call this lady twice, but both times I got her voice mail.

As I'm typing this I am thinking through this dilemma, and am realizing maybe I am starting to worry and overreact. Maybe, maybe not. I just want to know what is going on and get a job. My time of terminal leave is coming to an end, and I'd really like to not be short on money. You know, paying bills aren't fun, but it has to get done, and it takes money to pay the bills, and well you get the picture. Anyway, I've now come to the conclusion, that I need to pray some more, and wait a few days (the weekend), and trust God to do His work. As hard and painful as it is to trust God sometimes, it must be done. This comes to mind, and really is hard, but once applied goes a long way. Philippians 4:6-7. And there's my lesson for the day.


Anonymous said...

Good job, yours is not the only blog I've read in the past two days that has sited that scripture. Kind of neat huh?

Auntie Eisel said...

Well, we're still praying for ya man!

Caleb said...

Worry and overreact? I do that all the time! No worries. Of course, if you go with Phil 4:6-7, that's the natural outcome. Prayin' for ya!

The Grandparents said...

Sometimes the hardest thing to do is wait. Yet that if often exactly what God often tells us to do. "Rest in the Lord, wait patiently for Him." Rest is the absence of anxiety, the act of putting your trust completely in Him, knowing He knows exactly what you need, and the right time.
We love you both, and pray for you, confident that He will work it all out in His time. COG

Brenda Walker said...

I am not a good waiter, but I did work at a restaurant once and I have worn waders!