Monday, May 07, 2007

It's officially official.

I've pretty much come to the conclusion that most of what I post on here, the majority of you readers already know by talking to bean. So really I could just discontinue this blog as my posts are what you already know, in my own words rather bean's. Oh well.

For those of you who only talk to katie every once a week or so, I'll fill you in on the latest. We still live in Texas where we own a house that we no longer want, and we are not moving as of this post anytime soon. I just got off of work and it is very late. Actually Katie will probably be up in three hours to go work out. Sad on many different levels. I helped close tonight as an official manager of Pizza Hut #47. It did not go as well as I hoped, as I am unskilled with printing calculators. A story I'm sure you'll hear from bean because she talks to y'all much more than I blog.

In other news, I am a bit more than slightly depressed that the Mavericks lost to the Golden State Warriors in the first round of the NBA playoffs. And now I'm bummed that the Phoenix Suns lost their first game to the Spurs. And for the record I would like to say how much I loathe the Spurs, the team and even more so their trashy loud mouthed fans.

And on the note of sports, what's the deal with Oscar de la Hoya losing to ghetto Mayweather? Someone please answer me that.


Anonymous said...

well, since I rarely talk to either of you, you should probably keep posting. I am waiting for the post that says "California here we come". SO if you could post that in the next few days that would be great. Sorry I can't post anything about sports other than the fact that we are going to play volleyball in a few weeks. Come join us if you want

Anonymous said...

You should call me back sometime bro!

CrazyUncle said...

Dude, I am posting this just 4 days after your last entry. Since I have been inconsistent in blogging, it is amazing that I came back in time to say Hey. Hey. Congrats on being manager of PH#47.

Did you hear they are already talking about a zgolden Boy-Pretty Boy rematch? Yup.

Go Suns.

Katie80 said...

Just stopped by to say