Saturday, March 03, 2007

People these days...

I was just reading an article on CNN, here you go, and I just can't believe some people.

News flash, Pizza Hut and teachers are causing the child obesity rate to sky rocket in the United States. We should all thank the left-wing saviors for bringing this to our attention. After twenty long years, we can all sleep at night because light has been shone upon the evils of these pizzamongers. Shame on those teachers for trying to motivate their students to read. Bribing those innocent young minds into extending their vocabulary and teaching them that reading is fun. Shame to all principals and teachers for partnering up with those pizza tossing crazies.
And by no means is the reason for all the fat kids in America to be blamed on the parents of said children. By being a parent in no way means being responsible for the health and welfare of your child. In fact, a bill was just passed that gives children the right to divorce themselves from their parents whenever they feel like it. For instance, when parents discipline a child, divorce 'em. Mom tells you not to write on walls with finger paint, can 'em. Dad tells you you're grounded because you broke then neighbor's car window, take him to court.

Am I taking this a bit far? Maybe. Do I think incentive programs are unhealthy to kids? Maybe, if the kid has slow metabolism and only reads or plays video games all day. Are left wing liberals taking things too far. Yes.

I just want to know why common sense is so hard to find when dealing with politicians and other "public" servants?


Anonymous said...

So pretty much what you are saying is that Emily gets to run her own life and we better be careful what we tell her to do or she will say "see ya". I guess it is a little to late to think this whole having a kid thing though.

Kayla said...

Thats too bad, I really like pizza.
i agree with you though, and don't you wonder if the people responsible for all this even believe what it is they are saying.
Maybe they just can't hear themselves speck.