Monday, December 18, 2006

Pharmacy something rather...

Today I showed up to the Aetna building and took the elevator to the fifth floor, then I was locked out. We hadn't been given our employee badges yet so I stood there in the hallway looking surely like a big sack of pitifulness. Maybe that's not the right word... helpless, sad, like a reverse fishbowl. Everyone on the inside staring at the weirdly moving dude outside of the bowl. I don't know.
Work was good though. It's not as high class as bean's job, but it's a decent enough place, and it's not the military, so it's all good. My supervisor is a pretty young looking guy that has only been with the company for nine months. He's apparently one of those movers and shakers. Anyway, the job seems easy enough, once we get trained that is. And it must be easy, as they told us they were only giving us the easy calls. So it must be easy, eh? And to top it all off, my supervisor doesn't like the Spurs either, so I think I like him even more. Way too go buddy.
I also found out that it's business caj......but if you want you can pay $5 to some "fun fund" and wear jeans too. Actually the first month is free, so as far as my contract is concerned I will only need to pay $5. Since I can wear jeans, I'm rather stoked because then I can ride my motorcycle to work somedays. Good times, good times.


The Grandparents said...

Good for you, J! Hang in there.

Caleb said...

I'm glad that your jorb went well. Will you give me five bucks if I let you wear jeans when you see me?

Brenda Walker said...

If you give me five buck, I will wear jeans to work! Oh Yeah, I know what I'm talking about!

Kayla said...

How bout they pay you five bucks to stop wearing jeans when you're not allowed. Don't let those people push you around there Justin (or is it Jay?). That said, *I* would probably pay the money and by the way I like your song.

Justin Richardson said...

I don't like the Spurs either, but I like the Lakers so that's probably worse. Sounds like a sweet job.