Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Oh the HTML

I figured I may as well make a little post since I'm on here anyway.

Once again I am trying to play with my title and creating my own custom header. Not working so well though. I created a faily simple design that I was just messing around with, but I can't get my head around the coding. What a pain. Maybe ZACH, you can hook a brotha up!


CrazyUncle said...

Isn't that curious? Just yesterday, I heard a guy at work say "What the H" and now I can see he was talking about HTML problems.

Auntie Eisel said...

Well, I was thinking that's cool that you updated, but, since it's about computers, I don't really know how to comment! It's good to know you're still around though.

Brenda Walker said...

I have the brotha hook up, just plug it in G!!!

Caleb said...

Hydrogen Tomaldahyde Mono Lithade. Betcha didn't know how much I knew about compys did ya?