Friday, May 05, 2006

More bike stuff

I gotta admit, I really just love bikes. I can't wait to get one. Hopefully this coming wednesday, I'll buy one.
Anyway I was talking to one of my bosses and he was telling me about some other bikes I should look at. That is after I make some money and after I get used to my first bike. Anyway, one I was telling Zach about, the Suzuki SV-650S is a nice bike, with great gas mileage.
He then told me about a dual-sport that gets super good gas mileage and also has some good power, the Kawasaki KLR650. I don't know, both are good bikes and fairly cheap for being new bikes, but I still don't have that kind of money. But hey if you haven't made any contributions to good causes this year, I would be happy to invest your hard earned dollars into a new bike for a worthy cause. Me being the worthy cause that is.


Katie80 said...

The suzuki is a good bike, but Kawasaki is also good. Both, both favorites. If you can't get the Suzuki, you'll be like, "that's cool, I'll just get the Kawasaki".

CrazyUncle said...

What about the cost of insurance on these puppies? And always wear a helmet! Even when you are not on the bike ;)

Brenda Walker said...

I like Randy's idea, you would look like Napoleon in bench warmers then! Cool, I think that you should do it!

Auntie Eisel said...

I didn't know you were actually gonna get one, that's awesome!!

Caleb said...

My vote would be the Kawasaki. It looks shnazzier.