Friday, April 21, 2006


I told my boss that the next time he went to donate, I would go. They went two weeks ago, but it ended up that I had to go to the OR for a shoot, so I didnt get to go that time. So today he came back and asked if I was going. I really wanted to, but man I was a bit nervous. Apprehensively I went. I went once a while back, but only to watch and see how the process worked. I really didn't think I would want to donate, but now it's not so bad. I got there today, and the people that work there are laid back and quite nice. My boss and Al have been going for a long time so they know all the workers there, and they all just have a good time when they come in.
I was still a little nervous, but considering my boss goes every two weeks, it couldn't be that bad. All said and done it was easy and pain free. It was nice because they put a numbing agent on your skin, then they inject some numbing stuff just under the skin, but you can't feel that injection because your skin is already numb. Then when they are ready to hook up the blood tube you don't feel that because your arm in that spot is numb. Then I figured I would feel weird after I donated, but not at all. It's cool because they draw your blood, but after the machine processes the platelets out, it puts your blood back into you, so you don't get that light headed or nauseous feeling.
All said and done I think everyone should donate platelets. You don't have to be scared because I'm a big wuss, and if I can do it, so can you.

And a big plus, it takes about an hour or hour and a half, so you get to watch a movie and eat cookies and crackers and drink Dr. Pepper. I had a great time.


Auntie Eisel said...

Well, I'm glad you had a great time, but I'm still not convinced. I don't think I could handle it, even if I did get to watch movies, eat cookies and crackers and drink DP. :)

Kayla said...

How could eat cookies, or anything else for that matter, while allowing another human being to remove blood in mass amounts from your body?

CrazyUncle said...

You know what! Well, even if you do, I'm going to tell you now. I have been banned FOR LIFE from Blood Services. The time I spent in the UK during the 80s made me a risk for Mad Cow Disease. Well, they technically banned me for 150 years, so if I am still around....

OK, I hear the jokes coming already. Go ahead. get it out of your systems, all of you.

Justin Richardson said...

I've never given blood. I've never been that desperate for movie tickets.

Brenda Walker said...

I too have never given blood! I don't know if I will ever be up to that, anyway, I'm glad you are going to start doing that!

Caleb said...

What are platelets? It's against my religion to give blood. Even though you're technially saving someones life when you do that, I've become attached to my blood over the years.