Wednesday, January 11, 2006

It's been a while....

Yes, I know, I am quite the slacker. What can I say?
Well for one, I just restarted school again. The class I am taking is College Writing, or something like that. It has to do with English, so I am sure that it will not be fun and exciting. But hey, you have to keep your eye on the prize.
Then I found out I would be on call a day early because my boss, that was on call, is now going TDY to do a job in the great state of Louisiana. So now I have an extra chance to be woken up late or early depending on how you look at it, to take photos of hurt or messed up people. I know what you're thinking, That sounds really fun. Yeah, not so much, but it's my first time since I've been here, so it's all good.
I'm sure you've read Katie's blog, but I just want to say have thankful we are to just have her going to job interview. I know that she's got skills, so she should be able to get the job just fine. We'll keep praying.
Oh and Happy Birthday Mom!


Katie80 said...

I hope you aren't implying that starting school is an excuse for not updating. If you are, I might have to let it slip that you just started 2 DAYS AGO!!!
Anyway, at least you haven't gotten called out yet.
How the heck did you post at 2:36am?! Well, now it's 10:00 and I need to eat some food cuz I'm starving! I guess I'll see you in a few hours.

Lindsay Ward said...

Glad to get update finally! I took a class called Business Writing and it wasn't much fun. We had to write a research paper. Do you?

Jay said...

This week we have a persuasive essay due, and then we have a team research paper due. I really don't like having team papers. Usually someone slacks off and everyone else has to do the work. Oh well.

Abby said...

Been wondering what happened to you! Glad everything is ok!

Auntie Eisel said...

Hey Justin, maybe YOU should try to do the slacking. Then everyone else will have to do the work, just like you said. I'm glad you updated too. English is never good. I just did it a little bit ago. However, mine is probably slightly easier than yours. :) Well, I hope you survive it anyway.

Caleb said...

Writing is against my religion. However, currently English out-ranks geometery except for the ton of homework.

Brenda Walker said...

Geometry rocks and in case English gets too hard, your crazy wife should be able to help you quite a bit. She's an English FREAK!!!

Jay said...

Yeah Bean is the man at English. However, sometimes I get mad cuz she finds some many things in my papers. I gues in the long run that's good, but sometimes it makes me feel like a bum. Oh well. Yeah I really love the Geo Metro, I mean geometry. It's the greatest type of math around.

Brenda Walker said...

Stain, I read the best way to help your turtle if he is sick is to make sure his water is in between 80 and 83 degrees and make sure that he has a good heat lamp. It is also a good idea to offer him some different foods, (such as: blood worms, lettuce, fruits, possibly ground beef or feeder fish) these can make them want to eat which may help them to recover. Good luck! Pray for them too, that never hurts!

Justin Richardson said...

It's Ok. I'm quite the slacker too. I'm sorry about the College Writing thing. English is the root of all evil.