Wednesday, March 08, 2006

The Professional

I'm pretty stoked. I was pretty sure that when I came here I wouldn't be able to get any of my photos published, but today I was proven wrong. Unfortunately it is really not part of my job here that I took photos of. It was mostly a few shots of one of guys in the shop doing his job. He's an illustrator, and he is the man. Really I'm just glad I get to work with him, so one day when he gets real famous I can say " I know that guy". You can check some of his stuff out here....

Anyway back to the story. So I am getting something published, which is pretty great if I ever want to get a photography job outside of the military. Not likely I will want to, but just in case.
Alright well it's not that exciting of news, but it's my news, so hey.


Brenda Walker said...

Hey, that sounds cool to me. Is that why you haven't called, cause you're now too good for me?

Justin Richardson said...

That's cool. That guy's a good artist. I'm pretty sure the drill sergeant is the guy from full metal jacket.

CrazyUncle said...

I guess I cannot "picture" you as a "photographer." Of course, I've never met you, so how would I know. And it is, after all, "your news."

Caleb said...

That's cool. Apperently, I know a guy, who knows a guy who's a professional. Lame I know but I didn't know how else to comment.

Auntie Eisel said...

I'm happy for you! Maybe when you do get published you could put a picture of it on here or something.

Caleb said...

Hey, it's time to update! I enjoy your news even if it's not danged exciting.